Wilson's Theorem

Wilson's Theorem is a result in number theory that provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a positive integer $n$ to be prime. It states that a positive integer $n$ is prime if and only if:

$$(n−1)! \equiv −1\mod {n}$$

In other words, if $(n−1)!$ leaves a remainder of -1 when divided by $n$, then $n$ is prime. Conversely, if $n$ is prime, then $(n−1)!$ will leave a remainder of -1 when divided by $n$.

Applications of Wilson's Theorem include:

Primality Testing: Wilson's Theorem provides a theoretical basis for a primality test, although it is not practical for large numbers due to the computational complexity of calculating factorials for large integers.

Generating Prime Numbers: While not efficient for generating large prime numbers directly, Wilson's Theorem can be used in combination with other primality tests and algorithms for generating primes in specific ranges or for certain applications.Let's illustrate Wilson's Theorem with an example:

consider the prime number $p=5$. According to Wilson's Theorem, we need to check if 
$$(5−1)!≡−1 \pmod{5}$$


Now, let's find the remainder of 24 when divided by 5:

$24 \pmod{5}=4$

So  $24 \equiv -1 \pmod{5}$
This means that 5 satisfies $(5−1)!≡−1 \pmod{5}$, confirming Wilson's Theorem. So 5 is prime.

Proof:Consider the set of numbers $S=\{1,2,3,…,p−1\}$. This set consists of all positive integers less than $p$.

Now, let's find the product of all elements in $S$, and then take this product modulo $p$:

$$P=1×2×3×…×(p−1)\pmod {p}$$

We can pair each number $a$ in $S$ with its multiplicative inverse modulo $p$, denoted as $a^{−1}$, such that $a⋅a^{−1} \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. Note that for every $a$ in $S$ (except for 1 and $p-1$; there inverses are the number itself), there exists a unique $a^{−1}$ also in $S$.

So, after pairing all elements in $S$ with their inverses, we get:

$$P=(1) ×(2⋅2^{−1})×(3⋅3^{−1})×…×(p−1) \pmod{p}$$
So we have shown that

For the converse, suppose that $(n-1)! \equiv -1 \pmod{n}$. We then have $(n-1)! \equiv -1 \pmod{m}$ for any factor $m$ of $n$.If $m<n$, then $m$ appears as a factor of $(n-1)!$, so $(n-1)! \equiv 0 \pmod{m}$ and hence $-1 \equiv 0 \pmod{m}$. This implies that $m=1$, so we conclude that $n$ has no proper factors and is therefore prime.


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